Blended Learning Teacher

How do the roles of teacher and student change in the blended classroom?

Blended classrooms, requires changes from both the students and teachers. It will not be possible to teach today's students with yesterday's teaching methods. Yesterday's methods basically use the teacher as the center, assuming the teacher had all the answer, having the knowledge. Students were sitting in rows listening to the teacher and asking questions expecting that the teacher knew all the answers. Today, the first thing that we are changing in our classrooms is the layout, we want students to collaborate with one another, to have discussions. The teacher is not the only one source with the knowledge, but more like the facilitator for the students to look for answers and find it themselves. Students will have the responsibility of going online and searching for answer, also learning at their own pace. Teacher will monitor and provide the opportunities for students to share their findings.

What changes can you make today that will shift you toward becoming a blended learning teacher?

Watching the video "The Changing Role", made me aware that there are many changes that we as teachers need to be willing to make in order to become a blended learning teacher. One of the most important shifts as a teacher for me is letting my learners search and find the answers to their questions, give them time and provide them resources for them to go and search for their answers.
Making sure students understand the value of resources online, not only there are plenty of them, but the availability. It is available online to the students at any time of the day or night. I should encourage students to communicate with me, email, message, any time. Also I should be accessing regular and immediate information on student progress.
